The use of marijuana is now legal in many states for medical purposes and in numerous other states for recreational usage. So, what are cannabinoids? A specific group of substances that are found in the marijuana or cannabis plant are known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are sometimes considered to provide universal healing qualities, but established research […]
As the cool air and vibrant colors of autumn set in, so do the sounds that make this season unique, kids laughing as they trick-or-treat, the satisfying crunch of leaves underfoot, and the crackling of a warm fire. Now imagine how much less pleasant your fall experience will be if those sounds begin to fade […]
The majority of individuals aren’t proactive about their hearing health and probably haven’t had a hearing screening since grade school because it’s normally not part of a routine adult physical. Fortunately, a professional hearing specialist can uncover a wealth of information from a hearing examination which can be used to both diagnose any hearing loss […]
You scheduled a hearing test but you’re so busy it’s reasonable that you would have forgotten about it. It’s a good thing you got a text from the clinic reminding you in time for you to get ready. But what type of preparation should you do? While it may not require an all-night study session […]
Why is it important to get your hearing screened regularly? That’s because your overall health can be substantially affected by hearing loss. Having your hearing examined regularly can help you identify hearing loss early, get care faster, and, improve your health, well-being, and quality of life. Who should get a hearing test? Your health and […]
There are a wide variety of reasons for muffled hearing. In the majority of cases, this situation is short-term. But muffled hearing can also be an indication that a more serious hearing problem is happening. That’s because, in general, hearing loss is a gradually developing condition. Symptoms progress gradually and over time. Often, one of […]
There’s nothing that’s good about cancer. Patients have to go through a very difficult time and some of the side effects of chemotherapy are often ignored. But for a great number of cancer survivors, there will be a life after cancer and that’s an essential thing to keep in mind. And you want that life […]